You can connect your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad to your commercial ball machine (except ACE) with bluetooth by purchasing a special receiver box that you hang on the side of your ball machine. The receiver box is called an iPLAYMATE Tennis and has an MSRP of $1095.00 USD. After the iPLAYMATE Tennis is installed, you can use our special app, "Like My Drill", to work with your ball machine.
MSRP 1,095.00 USDI want iPLAYMATE Tennis with Workout Tracker
Must have a commercial ball machine (except ACE) made since 2013. Ball machines made since 2009 qualify for a factory upgrade for an additional fee. Ball Machines made before 2009 are not compatible with Workout Tracker.
Must have iPLAYMATE Tennis receiver made since July 2015. iPLAYMATE Tennis receivers made before July 2015 qualify for a factory upgrade for an additional fee.
I want iPLAYMATE Tennis without Workout Tracker
Must have a commercial ball machine (except ACE) made since 2009. Please contact us about ball machines made before this time.
Must purchase any iPLAYMATE Tennis receiver.
The home screen provides quick access to all of your drills, recent workout activity, your list of achievements, the leaderboard, and free drills
View the last 30 days of workouts. Select a workout to view your Workout Summary.
Review your workout to see detailed breakdowns of how long you worked out, how many balls were hit, what types of shots were hit, and to view your Shot IQ score.
Win awards like "most balls hit in a workout" or "longest workout". Keep track of how many balls you've hit over the last week, month, or year.
Compare your results to players around the world on this monthly competition.
Keep track of how long you workout for and how many balls were hit.
© 2015 Stan Oley's Tennis Equipment Sales & Service Inc.
Design done by © 2015 Welsch Designs